Business Committee


Meeting Venue:
Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Ty Hywel



Meeting date:
12 June 2012


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Anna Daniel (Clerk)
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8144






1.   Apologies & announcements 




2.   Minutes of the previous meeting  (Pages 1 - 3)




3.   Organisation of Business 





3 (i)     This Week's Business BC(4)19-12(p1) (Page 4)





3 (ii)    Three week timetable of Government Business BC(4)19-12(p2) (Pages 5 - 6)





3 (iii)  Three week timetable of Assembly Business BC(4)19-12(p3) (Page 7)




4.   Standing Orders 





4 (i)     Procedures for dealing with UK laws that impact upon the powers of the Assembly or Welsh Ministers BC(4)19-12(p4) (Pages 8 - 29)





4 (ii)    Private Bills and Miscellaneous Amendments: Draft Report BC(4)19-12(p5) (Pages 30 - 100)

